Active Rain

Active Rain Blogging as a Hiring Tool This is inspired by Richard Weisser’s outstanding blog piece about, well, blogging. It is admirable the way his blog has built his personal brand.  A real estate broker is always recruiting people in 3 categories: sellers, buyers, and salespeople. Hiring, however, always seems to come as an afterthought, especially to an independent firm. We don’t […]
Active Rain How Fast to Release? Back in December I wrote a blog post aimed at my fellow broker owners asking them how fast they paid their agents once a deal closed. The post was featured and got over 100 comments. It was gratifying to get input from my colleagues across the country.  Today I have a new question, and this […]
Active Rain Adopting a Pet in Westchester County To my way of thinking, few things make a house a home like a pet. We’ve rescued a few dogs in our time, and the latest is Max, pictured below. He is a purebred German Shepherd whom I rescued for a fraction of what it would have cost to buy a new puppy with papers. […]
Active Rain You MUST Close by July 1 for the $8000 Tax Credit This is an important clarification for all home buyers who want that tax credit: While everyone is talking about the April 30 deadline for qualification, there is another deadline to be aware of, and that is July 1, 2010. You have to be in contract to purchase by April 30, 2010 and close by July […]
Active Rain Independent Brokerages and Managing Risk I have some questions for my fellow broker-owners: Do you have E and O (error and omission) insurance? You should.  Do you have a company policy manual? You should.  Do you have an independent contractor agreement with your licensees? You should.  Do you have written agreements with your licensees for commission splits? If not, why?  […]
Active Rain Are Banks Engaging in Short Sale Fraud? CNBC is reporting that some banks are being accused of, of all things, bank fraud in short sales. Those of us who sell short sales know that the hardest cases are often the ones with subordinate financing, or in layman’s terms, a second mortgage. If you owe $500,000 on a house with a $425,000 1st loan and a […]
Active Rain 10 Day Short Sale Rule There is a new US treasury guideline that will, according to a report, mandate that banks make their decision on a short sale in 10 days. The new rule also proposes a $1500 allowance to the seller for moving expenses. I have said before that it shouldn’t take a lender more time to decide on […]
Active Rain Never Say NO to a Low Offer I submitted an offer from a buyer client on a property listed with a very respected company this past Wednesday. It was a low offer to be sure, but that is not uncommon. The property has been listed for quite a while; 250 days as a matter of fact. It is vacant and needs updating […]
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Active Rain When Does the Spring Market Start in Westchester County? A common question I get from home sellers is when they should put their house up for sale once the winter holidays are over. My answer is always the same: in Westchester real estate, Spring starts January 2nd. Obviously, a February blizzard will present a temporary delay, but when you think about it, it makes sense. This […]
Active Rain Don’t Show Your Home to Strangers Without an Appointment The other day a seller client told me that she showed her home to strangers off the street who knocked on her door and expressed interest in seeing the place without an appointment. She accommodated them. We don’t know who they are, or even if they were qualified to buy. She just hoped they might be the […]
Active Rain NYC Raincamp ’10 I was one of the attendees that the Raincamp in New York this past Tuesday in Manhattan. I wanted to leave at noon.   Did it suck? No, I wanted to start implementing this stuff right away.  If you’ve never been to RainCamp and are wondering if it is worthwhile, I’ll say this: If you’ve ever wished that […]
Active Rain Pre Approval Letters for Westchester Homes Should be Accurate I have written about this previously, but pre-approval letter “games” are not worth playing. Here is what I mean: If you are interested in a listing priced at $500,000 and you want to make an offer of $450,000, you are shooting yourself in the foot if your pre approval letter only says you are approved […]
Active Rain Home Staging Workshop January 30 10am Ossining Public Library Marie Graham, in addition to being a friend, is the founder of the Refreshed Home. Her specialties include interior design and killer staging for getting your home sold. On Saturday, January 30th at 10 am, she’ll be putting on a workshop on how to stage a home for sale optimally, and I will be in attendance. I […]
Active Rain I Love You Daddy Gregory turned 5 this past December, and the bulk of his words are parroting what he might hear rather than sourcing his own communication. To us, an actual conversation with him has been elusive. Lately, we’ve been having some breakthroughs. Today was his best day ever, and in a world where progress is measured in […]
Active Rain The Sale Killer Who Made Me Smile All agents have stories of a first time home buyer who brings a relative to see the property, only to have the them kill the sale via skepticism, negativity or just sowing the seeds of doubt. It is part of the business. I’ve never enjoyed it, obviously, but today something happened that made me smile […]
Active Rain Droid is Impressive Wow.  All I can say is that the new Droid is going to make me money. My office is now at my fingertips. I can check my email far more easily, access the MLS, check Google maps, use Google documents, and surf the web effortlessly on this thing from anywhere at any time. Typically, my […]
Active Rain A Broker and Attorney on the Home Buyer Tax Credit Lester Kravitz is a broker based in Pelham, NY and a respected colleague. He’s also an attorney, but I don’t hold it against him. Ann likes him because they are both Stuyvesant High alums. This is a video of a brief talk Lester gave on the home buyer tax credit that I feel is informative […]
Active Rain Investing in Ourselves Lat night was the installation party at the Whitby Castle in Rye for the Westchester Putnam Association of Realtors and the WPMLS officers and directors. I was installed as Vice President for North Westchester. This means that Ann and I had a “date.” Consecutive children and business-free hours of food and dancing.  It was black tie optional, so I rented […]
Active Rain You Can’t Make This Stuff Up. An economist is saying that we need more compassion. When those who individually need aid, they ought not be vilified when they seek help, nor should they fear retribution. It isn’t fair to the 7 million people who have lost their jobs.  Refreshing sentiments! How true! But you won’t believe who John Connaughton of UNC Charlotte is […]
Active Rain Bad Credit and Rental Applications Since my Giants stunk up the joint yesterday, the only think left to do was accompany friends to Molly Spillane’s in Mamaroneck to watch the Jets beat the Bengals. Another guy we were with apologized to bring up work but had a real estate question (I actually don’t mind. I bring the stuff up myself). […]