Active Rain September 5, 2011

Ossining Real Estate Market, August 2011

Owner financing available on this 250,000 Handyman in OssiningThis is the market report for Ossining, NY for August 2011. It covers single family homes in the Ossining School District. All data is from the Empire Acess MLS. 

In August 2011, Ossining had 15 closings at a median sale price of $420,000.

In August 2010, Ossining had 15 closings at a median sale price of $436,000.

Both volume and price are holding steady, and this is a fairly siginificant departure from the downward trend of previous periods this year. August of 2010 was in the the stimulus period, so the results this August, which are unaffected by any outside forces or inducements, are organic and describe some strength. That is good news for sellers, finally. 

Currently, there are 33 homes under contract at a median asking price of $409,222. This shows that pending prices are are also strong, and we should expect volume to remain steady as the autumn approaches.  

There are 132 active listings at a median asking price of $424,611. We are actually down to under a year’s worth of inventory at this rate, and while buyers do have lots of choices, sellers have gained some ground. It remains a buyer’s market, but not as severe as it was earlier this year.

Since inventory is down & prices and volume are stronger it suggests that we may have turned the corner. 

Previous posts on Ossining are here. 

Search Ossining homes like an agent with a free Listingbook account


Active Rain September 4, 2011

Another Fine Banking Representative

PugI got a call today regarding one of my listings from the lender on the property. The person was in the collections department, and it was one of those calls lenders sometimes make on a distress property. However, I think somewhere someone lost the memo that common sense would be a good idea, as I journeyed into bizarro bank land with this rube. 

After informing me that this was an attempt to collect and debt and all information collected would be used for that purpose, I reminded her that I was the broker, not the debtor. She was undeterred. She then asked me what the address was of the property, and I told her she gave me the address when I first answered the phone.  She was clearly following a script. She asked me to fax the listing agreement, which was hilarious- it had been faxed so many times I had them on speed dial. When I asked to whose attention it should be faxed, she said just fax it, it will get here. That went back and forth a few times too, but I finally got from her that the account number would go on the cover letter. Again. 

Then we really went into orbit. She wasked me at what number I could be reached. I reminded her that she had just called me. She again asked for the number. I said “the number you just called.” No, she needed a number. 

We went around in circles, on half a dozen other details that were either self evident or information already volunteered by this person. What made it so peculiar was the arrogant attitude. SHE was the bank. SHE was the boss. This is a switchboard grunt, clearly, a low level collector at best, and not a negotiator. 

This is the caliber of person dealing with the public at the big box bank. If she worked at a restaurant or office she’d have been sacked her first day if she conducted herself like this. Anywhere else (like for example, J. Philip Real Estate), such obtuse, arrogant robotic ineptitude would never be tolerated. We have MBAs out of work while this one collects a check for…what?  Something is wrong with this picture. Is it too much to ask that the people reaching out to the public from the banks at least know how to deal with the public? 

Active Rain September 3, 2011

Mr President, You Won’t Fix the Economy Until You Fix the Housing Market

If you haven’t heard of LuAnn Lavine, I’ll tell you why she matters. She was mentioned by Maureen Dowd in her last NY Times column, and has one of the most emailed stories on industry news site Inman News. Last week, Ms Lavine, a real estate broker, got up at a town hall meeting and told President Obama how rough it is out there in the housing market. When he gave a rather vanilla, political answer, she challenged him, respectfully, but told him that short sales and loan modifications were a disaster and that lenders wanted perfection, which seldom occurs in humanity. She spoke her mind. 

I have often thought of what I’d like to say to the President if I had a chance to break bread with him. Here is what I’d tell him:

You will not fix the economy, Mr President, until you fix housing. Fix housing, and the economy will follow organically

The facts on the ground clearly tell me that the housing market remains broken. 
The facts on the ground clearly tell me that the current policy, or lack of a policy, do not work.

The proposed “fixes” by lawmakers make me wonder if they have a clue. The chatter about raising downpayments, lowering conforming loan limits, eradicating the mortgage interest deduction, and other blows to the backbone of housing, which were never causes of the economic downturn to begin with, perplex me. I wonder if lawmakers reside in the same world as I do.

But what do I know? I’m just a real estate broker.

Four years after the sub prime crisis, the government got around to suing the big box banks this week. Their stocks will suffer, and pension funds will drop yet again. This is not the fix. I want a the task force. I want a summit. Nothing symbolic. I want people in whom I have confidence, whose pedigree is results, not politics. I want a housing NASA, which will do what is hard, and do it well. I want an authoritative answer to an earnest real estate broker’s simple question.

This is not a chicken or the egg thing. Employment, consumer spending, and commerce all flow from a healthy housing market. People will not feel confident in their job or see retail business pick up in a vacuum while housing remains stagnant. Fix housing. Think about it when you are in the shower. Talk about it. Take back the dialog from the congressional pablum purveyors and let us know you care. Give us some passion for pete’s sake. Get mad, dammit. 

The president needs to immediately get moving on housing, as JFK would say, with vigor. I want to wake up in the morning and go to bed each night knowing that the president is standing up to the housing challenge the way I knew Reagan and JFK stood up to the Soviets. It’s time to wake up from this 4 year old case of amnesia and pick up the ball again. I’m sick of China this and recession that.

We are better than this. Much, much better.  And I want the Chief Executive to carry himself that way. Let’s go forward, from this time and place, like the resourceful, productive, tail-kicking society we are and say that September 2, 2011 was when housing started its turnaround. We can do this. We can do anything

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:

‘Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!’ “

-WH Murray

Active Rain September 2, 2011

I’m a Star

I had the good fortune to be asked  by the Ossining-Croton site to blog for them regularly, and this past week I was featured in one of their videos on the challenges of the housing market. We met at one of my firm’s listings in Ossining, and filmed interview style on the state of the market, what sellers can do to get their homes sold, and where I saw the market going. 

If you want to see me in a talkie and hear my nasal, best suited to be writing voice, feel free to click on the link. My editor said we would be doing it again, but maybe he was just being nice. I was proud that I refrained from drooling. Articulate talk will be in the ear of the beholder. 

By the way, the house we are filmed at is Tom Ricapito’s listing at 14 Hillcrest Ave in Ossining, a really great 4 bedroom 2 bath starter home with a 2-car garage that is only $349,900. It is 2100 square feet, a great rear patio and landscaping, and even has a bar in the basement. And yes, it has a waterfall in the back yard. Call Tom at (914) 804-3048 if you’d like to see the place. 

I feel naked without the J


Active Rain September 1, 2011

Ossining Bakery: Westchester County’s Best Bread & Rolls

Ossining BakeryAsk any foodie about New York and you’ll know that we have the best bread they’ve ever had. Local restaurants often boast that they have bread baked from Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, and with good reason. I myself have lived in New Orleans, Austin, Rochester, Philadelphia, Boston and Maryland and appreciated the local offerings (New Orleans has some of the best food in the world!) but always measured bread against the bread from home.  While Arthur Avenue bread and rolls are the world standard in my view, Ossining bakery is right up there. 

Among my fondest childhood memories is when I would go with my father to Ossining Bakery after Sunday mass. He’d stand at the counter with his fedora hat and horn rimmed glasses, smile at the counter person, and order 12 hard rolls as we called them. Delicious crust, soft savory inside. If he was in a good mood we might get some doughnuts, and then we’d go home, Mom would cook hard boiled eggs, and we’d watch Abbott and Costello or the Bowery Boys on channel 11. I can’t eat a good roll and not go back in time. 

Ossining Bakery Ossining Bakery

Anthony, the wizard of Ossining BakeryOssining Bakery is a regular guy place- nothing fancy, baking is done on premesis, and the interior is exactly the same as it was when I was a kid- devoid of pretense, glass counter with the baked goods, a few tables, and self serve coffee. If it were a restaurant, it ould have red and white table coths and folding chairs but always be crowded. Anthony, the current owner, bought it 12 years ago from the folks who ran it for the prior 30 years, and the continuity in both presentation and quality remain. 

Rolls and basic pastries are their pride and joy- you can expect about half a dozen differen types of doughnuts along with crullers, turnovers, and cookies. And the rolls are the best in Westchester, period. They go great with butter, tomato sauce, or soup. They make everything taste better. I eat them alone- they are that good.

Don’t expect flowery cakes that looked like they were made by a confectionary Rembrandt. It’s not that kind of place. They do the basics, they do it well, and that’s why it has been an instuitution for decades. I hope they never change. 

I’ve actually met with people for coffee here, and, and will again just for the aroma of the next batch of greatness wafting from the ovens. 

Ossining Bakery Best rolls in Westchester!

Ossining Bakery
50 North Highland Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562
(914) 941-2654 

Active Rain August 29, 2011

Seller Financing for Ossining Fixer Upper

We have a unique listing that might be of interest for someone looking for a home they can renovate without having to pay cash or getting a rehabilitation mortgage. It is a 2172 square foot tudor in the heart of the village adjacent to St Ann’s school yard on Eastern Avenue. It was used for years as a single family, but is zoned as a two-unit and still could be converted. 

The home has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a stucco exterior, with a 1-car garage and a flat rectangular lot. It is a few blocks from shopping and public transportation. The owner will hold a mortgage with a 20% downpayment for the right buyer, with negotiable terms. Owner-financed home are rare, so this is a unique opportunity. 

The home is a true renovation job. It has been gutted to the studs and needs a new heating system and other mechanical updates, but as they say it has good bones. The list price is $250,000 with taxes of approximately $10,600. The median price of homes in a half mile radius from here is $365,000. If you are interested or know someone who might be, feel free to call or email me. 

Ossining Handyman

40 Elizabeth Street, Ossining, NY 10562. $250,000, owner financing available. 

Active Rain August 29, 2011

Was Irene Over-hyped by the NY Politicians and Media?

Note: This was written from a very New York Point of view, with local sentiment on how Mike Bloomberg  and our local media handled the run up to the arrival of the storm. Please read this comment on the NY Times and this one from my fellow New Yorkers to get some perspective. I would never, ever, downplay or minimize the loss of others, and Ann and I send thoughts and prayers out to those who lost loved ones, property, and power. Bread panic

If you are in Westchester County reading this, then you survived Hurricane Tropical Storm Irene. We are not in a post apocolyptic disaster. We aren’t subsisting on water we saved in the bathtub. And the 20 extra D batteries we bought a few days ago are still in their wrappers. I share concern and sympathy for the folks elsewhere who sustained destruction, lost property, and in some cases, loved ones. That is a tragedy that can’t be measured.

Our area was fortunate to just have the isolated flooding and a handful of fallen trees that I’ve seen today. But those things are not terribly unusual for a heavy rain storm, and one wonders if the warnings and fear running up to Irene’s arrival weren’t just a tad hyperbolic, to our future detriment. 

I have never seen supermarket shelves emptied. I have never seen a run on bottled water and batteries. And I have never heard the use of the word “hunker” with such regularity as the past 72 hours. When I went to the Chilmark A & P Friday, I half expected to see Charlton Heston pushing 2 carts loaded with Soilent Green out the exit the way people were behaving. Elderly folks were loading up on rations. Complete strangers talking in line about how to tape windows and cook with Sterno. Bread, eggs and milk were cleaned out (is it customary to eat french toast during a natural disaster?). It was eerie, and the foreboding was palpable. 

And the media…news people somber, and weather people were excited to the point of being salacious. Why do weather guys get so excited about severe weather? This guy felt that reportage required that he expose himself to seafoam that probably contained raw sewage.

We went to bed concerned about blackouts, a tree falling through our ceiling or car, and our basement flooding. We woke up to a lot of rain, which is not the end of mankind, and that was it. No hurricane. No eye of the storm. CVS in Arcadian shopping center flooded but was just soggy when I went there today. And why did I go there? To get Benedryl for my wife, who got a nasty case of poison ivy preparing our yard for a hurricane that never happened. The worst thing about Irene for my family, literally, is the itching. We are very, very lucky, in light of the news elsewhere, which is destruction and tragedy. 

I am all for erring on the side of caution, but to my way of thinking, the most dangerous thing about this storm for our New York area this far inland is that many people won’t take warnings so seriously next time. We didn’t need to retreat to the fallout shelter. All those extra batteries will be good for Christmas, but that’s it. We’re lucky this time, but many people may not be as careful next storm- and that is not a good thing. 

Active Rain August 29, 2011

Speechless Sundays: Aftermath of Hurricane Irene in Westchester County NY

Active Rain August 28, 2011

How to Write a Market Report for your Real Estate Blog

Rye, NYWarning to consumers: this may be boring, as this post is written to my colleagues and not for the public. 

It’s raining here in Westchester County, and Hurricane Irene has brought a rare thing: some time off. My phone has barely rung all weekend, and in between battening down the hatches for the storm, I have been able to take a breather from a schedule that has been frantic for the lion’s share of August. I missed the hubbub about market reports on Active Rain, and since none other than Bob Stewart has praised me for my own market reports, I thought I would add my two cents to the dialog. 

First, market reports are a good thing for any real estate blogger who wants to be seen by their local public as a go-to person for information. They are also good for SEO, and another little fringe benefit is that they make you more knowledgeable about your market. They seldom get many clicks or comments and almost never appear on the feature dashboard, but that is not their purpose. Market reports build your business. I know this firsthand. So here is how I write a market report:

  • Be specific. Choose a clear area and time period, such as a school district, town or city, and make the report for a month, quarter, or week. And differentiate what property type you are covering, because in my area a 2-bedroom co-op apartment can cost $150,000 and a 2-bedroom house can be $400,000. They deserve separate coverage. 
  • With regard to charts and graphs, less is more. People glaze over after more than one graph. At least, I do. The good folks at Altos Research, as well as many MLS systems, can give you the means to do some excellent graphics, it just isn’t necessary to post a statistical Sistine Chapel to make your point. 
  • Add some commentary. Don’t just post data and leave people to interpret it. That’s work, and I have enough of it on my own. What’s the bottom line? What should we conclude? Are we up from last year or are we down? I always compare my time period to that of the prior year at the same time, and I let my readers know if volume is up or down, and how median price is faring as well. This makes the mundane report actually readable. 
  • Sell the area. Post a photo of downtown or a nice neighborhood. Talk about a listing you sold there recently, or how popular the place is for foodies, dog lovers or movie buffs. Great restaurants, parks and cultural attractions matter as much as median price. One village near me, Pleasantville, NY, has all of the above and a centrally located metro north train station right in the heart of the village, making it a great commuter community. Don’t keep these facts a secret in market reports. 
  • Keep it simple. Facts, overall message, and a pretty photo are three calling cards of my own reports. Median price, number of sales, how we fared compared to last year and what the outlook is for buyers and sellers are the elements I use. You aren’t figuring out the efficacy of bringing in a Home Depot to a boardroom of suits, you are telling a local owner if the time is right to sell or a buyer 30 minutes away if this is where they might see opportunity. 
  • Link to your prior posts on the area. This shows people all your commentary on the place, and if they are interested in the area they’ll spend a good deal of time reading you. This is where tags are crucial.  
  • Wrap it up with a call to action. If you have an IDX solution, link to it. THIS IS THE POINT. 
  • Syndicate. Tweet it with the town hashmark (#Scarsdale), link to it on your Facebook business page, and submit it to other media. Email it to clients or prospects. 
A few other thoughts: Market reports on an area where you’d like to gain market share can help you do so without spending a dime, because you’ll not only establish a body of content on the place, you’ll know the market pretty damn well after writing regular reports. They also help sell your listings in an area where you have inventory, because people googling a locale will find you if you post consistently on the place. 
I understand the decision by the folks in Seattle wanting to give the community a point incentive for market reports. Hyper local has always been content they have encouraged (ever hear of localism? Raincamp?), and with 210,000+ members and being in the blog platform business, they want their customers to succeed. One thing I have discovered is that people seldom do what they probably should (I have 22 agents, only a handful who blog, and few of my direct competitors have taken it up, even after having lunch with me), so a point incentive makes plenty of sense. 
There. You just got the keys to the kingdom. Bust a move. 

Active Rain August 23, 2011

New Real Estate Law- FUBAR

PalsRight on the tail of HAMP, HAFA, HVCC, MARS, and MAP, our acronym loving government has unveiled a new initiative to address the depressed housing market. Since 3 and 4 letter acronyms haven’t worked thus far, a bi-partisan initiative is getting final approval in both houses- The Federal Universal Big Acronym Regulation, or FUBAR. 

FUBAR has had some components since the early 1970s, but it has been streamlined and updated to address the housing market of 2011. “Our goal,” according to congressman Barney Frank “is to implement FUBAR before the end of the year and make the whole economy FUBAR, once we FUBAR the housing market.” Even Republicans have grudgingly admitted that FUBAR is what they do best, and what makes the most sense. 

Some of the elements of FUBAR Include:

  • The marginalizing of the FHA program, the backbone of the housing industry since the 1930’s, which must make it bad;
  • The eradication of the Federally chartered entities such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which have become the scapegoats for the downturn;
  • The end of the mortgage interest deduction, because Lithuania has a higher ownership rate than we do, and they don’t have it. And we have so much in common with Lithuania. Or Latvia, but it doesn’t matter. 
  • The phasing out of the 30-year fixed mortgage, which gave the USA a false sense of being “special.”
  • Old carry over rules will continue the draconian regulation of field agents in lending and real estate, making them shit their pants anytime they are asked about schools, crime statistics, nearby houses of worship and other irrelevant matters on choosing a home. 
  • Loan officers will be paid “something,” according to Congress insiders, and that number will be made public once they figure out how to splice the decimal. However, they won’t be able to quote borrowers a rate or a payment and face genital branding with a hot iron if their good faith estimate is more than $75 different from the HUD-1. 
  • Executives and policy makers will continue their exemption from just about any regulation or consequence of their actions, a holdover from the days of prosperity, according to those close to the committee. 
  • Closing attorneys will still be allowed to have their wife walk into the closing room and introduce her as the “title company.” If Real estate agents or loan officers are related without the informed consent and endorsement of the lender, title, buyer, seller, local rabbi, and dog catcher they face being dipped in molasses and fed to red ants. 
  • All federal incentives for ownership will instead be applied to renters, which is intended to stimulate this oppressed, yet growing, group. “Have you ever been in a ‘cat house?’ boomed Eric Cantor (R) when asked about rental subsidies. “I’ve been in my share of cat houses. And those ladies own. They don’t rent. We have enough cat houses, I’ve checked. It’s time to help renters.”

Also deemed the Federal Undertaking for Big Advance of Renting, FUBAR is embraced by Vice President Biden as well. “FUBAR, man. FUBAR. Can ya dig it?” The Vice president then stuffed the rest of his roast beef sandwich in his mouth and booked a 2 week vacation to the south of France before drinking some Johnny Walker Blue straight from the bottle. 

Handsome devil