Active Rain

Active Rain Think You Have $500 Cash Flow? Think Again I hate to rain on a guy’s parade. As a colleague from another industry sat across my desk, we pondered why his home, listed with another broker prior to meeting me, had not sold. Looking at the market activity, his bottom line and what it appeared he’d get were about $10,000 apart. My suggestion was […]
Active Rain Wordless Wednesday: Actually, I Really AM Wordless.
Active Rain The Freaks Come Out at Night I’m not interested in discussing whether or not it will ever be Morning in America anytime soon, but I think we can all agree that it isn’t Morning in Real Estate right now. We are in a dark evening in some precincts, and from my observations the freaks really do come out at night. The […]
Active Rain How Many Big Box Drug Stores Does Ossining Need? With the closure and razing of the old building that housed Big Top and several other small businesses and their imminent replacement by Walgreen’s, the village of Ossining will have yet another “big box” drug store. Nearby Chilmark shopping center on the border in Briarcliff also has a proposal on the table for the arrival […]
Active Rain Speechless Sundays: Howdy Neighbor
Active Rain Armonk Real Estate Market 2nd Quarter 2011 This is the market report for the Byram Hills School district (predominantly Armonk and parts of Bedford and Mount Pleasant) for the 2nd quarter of 2011. All information is for single family homes and is sourced by the Empire Access Multiple Listing Service.  For the second quarter of 2011, 23 homes closed with a median […]
Active Rain Yorktown Real Estate Market 2nd Quarter 2011 This Market Report is for the Yorktown school district and all data is for single family homes taken from the Empire Access (formerly Westchester-Putnam Multiple) Listing Service. In the 2nd quarter of 2011, Yorktown had 27 closed sales at a median sale price of $380,000. In the same time period of 2010, 45 homes sold at […]
Active Rain Photo Essay: Briarcliff Manor’s Houses of Worship Last year I did a blog post on the churches in Ossining. Today I’ll share some of the very beautiful houses of worship in Briarcliff Manor. This is St Mary’s Episcopal Church of Scarborough on Albany Post Road (Route 9) right next to Sleepy Hollow Country Club. I love Gothic stone buildings like this.   […]
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Active Rain Peekskill Real Estate Market 2nd Quarter 2011 This is the market data for the second quarter of 2011 for single family homes in Peekskill, and all information is sourced from the Empire Access (formerly Westchester-Putnam) Multiple Listing Service. In the 2nd quarter of 2011 there were 14 closings at a median price of $239,500.  In the 2nd quarter of 2010, Peekskill had […]
Active Rain Is the Real Estate Profession Sexist? I remember as a child in the 1970’s hearing my mother lament that she knew that she was making less than her male counterparts. It was a problem, and pay equality continues to be an issue to this day. Things are improving, but I don’t think we’re there yet.  But is real estate an occupation […]
Active Rain 7 things you can do on Google + that you can’t do on Facebook 7 things you can do on Google + that you can’t do on Facebook You can edit posts later- add/remove links, photos, and fix typos.  You can “follow” people (like on Twitter) without having to be friends.  If someone posts a bummer update, you don’t feel like a schmuck when you click “+1” to be […]
Active Rain Loving my Team A short one this evening, but worth sharing:  I have been having challenges keeping up lately. A reality of my position and how the company is growing is that I really can’t devote as much time to buyers as I once could. Today alone a three headed monster arose: one timeslot, two buyers wanting to […]
Active Rain Just Because Your Neighbor… I had an appointment this morning where I was reminded of two cornerstone laws of real estate: Unrealistic people tend to remain unrealistic no matter what evidence is brought before them. The price one asks for their house and the price one gets are two entirely different animals.  As for part 1, my colleagues know […]
Active Rain Wordless Wednesday: Good Advice
Active Rain 12 Thoughts as I Start Summer ’11 Back to the zinc mine after stealing some rest over the July 4th weekend. A few thoughts thus far as I rely on “mental muscle memory” to get going: To my colleague agents who email me their listings: cut it out. I read the hotsheets and I have amazing technology to match buyers and sellers. […]
Active Rain Declaration of Independence July 4 1776 IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which […]
Active Rain Chappaqua Real Estate Market, 2nd Quarter 2011 This is the market report for Chappaqua, NY for the 2nd quarter of 2011. It covers single family homes in the Chappaqua from April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011. All data is from the Empire Access MLS.  In the 2nd quarter  of 2011, Chappaqua had 35 closings at a median sale price of $745,000. In the 2nd quarter  of 2010, Chappaqua […]
Active Rain Briarcliff Manor Real Estate Market, 2011 2nd Quarter This is the market report for Briarcliff Manor, NY for the 2nd quarter of 2011. It covers single family homes in the Briarcliff from April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011. All data is from the Empire Acess MLS.  In the 2nd quarter  of 2011, Briarcliff Manor had 7 closings at a median sale price of $650,000. In the 2nd quarter  of 2010, Briarcliff had […]
Active Rain Ossining Real Estate Market, 2nd Quarter 2011 This is the market report for Ossining, NY for the 2nd quarter of 2011. It covers single family homes in the Ossining School District from April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011. All data is from the Empire Acess MLS.  In the second quarter  of 2011, Ossining had 28 closings at a median sale price […]
Active Rain Speechless Sundays: Family Tree