Active Rain July 9, 2011

Loving my Team

A short one this evening, but worth sharing: 

I have been having challenges keeping up lately. A reality of my position and how the company is growing is that I really can’t devote as much time to buyers as I once could. Today alone a three headed monster arose: one timeslot, two buyers wanting to see homes, and a 3rd appointment needing my attention. I could only do one. 

I took the non-buyer appointment and brought in two of my newer agents to match up with the buyers. One wasn’t available tonight but I was able to re-schedule the client. The second agent met up with the client for a showing and did a great job- so good, as a matter of fact, that the buyer thanked me for the matchup! She felt very comfortable and they bonded. In one showing. That is awesome. 

Now, if a guy is going to get fired, that is the way to get fired. It is a good feeling knowing that when I make a client handoff that the people are in good caring hands. 

I love my team!