Active Rain Saying Goodbye To Hadobogi I met my father in law when he first arrived in New York from Korea, 2 days after Ann and I were engaged in December, 2000. The 3 of us had dinner in Manhattan, and I was tending bar as a sabbatical from the rat race. I still recall sitting down and Ann’s father pulling […]
Active Rain J. Philip Real Estate in the Media: May 10, 2010 I am quoted in AOL’s Money and Finance: People@Work story on people who relocate due to job opportunities. The story examines the details behind last month’s creaion of 290,000 new jobs, and I was posed a question about people who choose to sell their homes to relocate to their new job.  I have one client […]
Active Rain Westchester County, NY Foreclosures J. Philip Real Estate has vast experience in the purchase of distress properties and is an asset for any buyer seeking a short sale, REO or bank owned foreclosure. We can help you in the following types of transactions: Short sale (listing and selling representing the owner) of any home in Westchester or greater metropolitan New York […]
Active Rain Happy Mother’s Day You Mothers! A happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there.  This will be my own mom’s 59th Mother’s Day, as she qualified in late July, 1951 while my father was deployed in Korea. She renewed her membership in 1954, 1958 and um, 1967 when I stepped off the caboose of the fertility train. Mom was […]
Active Rain Maybe You Should Clean the Litter Box of Your $900,000 House Staging is not rocket science. I have often stated that I am no expert in presenting a home, but I don’t think that it takes a Nobel laureate to figure out that people looking at homes priced a stone’s throw from (insert optional Dr Evil voice here) $1 Million have certain minimum expectations, among them […]
Active Rain The View From the New House: White Plains Real Estate Success Story Last night I broke bread at the Tuscan Grille with clients to celebrate signing contracts on their next home after 14 months of work on the project. It has been a journey. I listed their Bryant Gardens co op apartment last Winter, and we soon found a house in White Plains they loved. Unfortunately, the […]
Active Rain Spring in Briarcliff Manor We have 3 Cherry Blossom trees in our rear yard that have to be at least 40 years old. In April, when they bloom, it creates an explosion of pink beauty that dominates the view from our rear window. There is something comforting about seeing my children play in their shade. I often think of […]
Active Rain Wordless Wednesday: Cherry Blossom Snow
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Active Rain A Few Things You May Not Know About Your Real Estate Agent I am your agent. I am a professional. I have a college degree. I value your business; as a matter of fact, if I don’t produce a result for you and my other clients, my kids don’t eat. It is in that context that I am offering this post, in good spirits, good humor, and […]
Active Rain Beware of Deadline -Crazy Buyers The crazies are out there. You might be working with one right now and not know it. But they are out there, and they aren’t going to be nice if things don’t go their way. The crazies are the last minute home buyers who want to qualify for the tax credit by April 30. If […]
Active Rain What Qualifies as Hardship in a Short Sale? What qualifies as hardship in a short sale? I get this question fairly often, and it should be addressed. First, I’ll tell you what does not qualify as hardship, and that is simply being underwater. If you owe more than you are worth, being upside down alone is not adequate hardship to get a short […]
Active Rain Open House 109 Elk, New Rochelle 1-3 pm Sunday 4/26 I will be holding 109 Elk in New Rochelle open today from 1-3 pm. It is a 3500 square foot English Tudor with 6 bedrooms, 3.2 baths, and a carriage house garage. List price is $975,000 and annual taxes are $22,429. The lot is very large for the area-.39 acres.  Here is the write up […]
Active Rain Speechless Sundays: Guardian Angel
Active Rain Crunchtime for Stimulus Deadline The latter half of April has been maniacally busy for me because of the stimulus deadline of April 30. I have been working nonstop for the past week, save for collapsing at home at days end. It takes every waking minute just to handle what is coming across my desk. Offers, inspections, contracts, and showings […]
Active Rain Being Present and “This Isn’t It” I did the training back in 1989 so forgive me if my nomenclature isn’t 2010. I recall being in a seminar in the 90’s and being told that being in the present could best be illustrated by a dog falling from the top of the skyscraper…the thought was that rather than being fearful, the pooch […]
Active Rain The Three R’s of Real Estate I came up with this as I was speaking to a referred listing prospect. It might be hot air, but I think it makes sense. Reputation. This is where it starts. Reputation is the cornerstone for an agent or company. The good will of the public and our peers is a prerequisite to succeeding in […]
Active Rain A Modest Real Estate Proposal I am not a big staging guy. I simply don’t have the eye for it, and it is best left to professional stagers. I know a few tricks- tidy up, clear off the table and counter tops, put the toilet lid down, that sort of thing. I don’t care if people have their kids pictures on the […]
Active Rain I’m Worth Every Penny I’ve noticed something lately. Even though sellers are getting less for their homes than years past, commissions are not down. I see more bonuses offered. I see strong cooperative commission offered in the MLS. Brokerage as an industry has not been decimated by the market downturn or the advance of technology the way other industries have. In […]
Active Rain The 1,096 Day Short Sale If you have a short sale that is 6 months or more into the process, you’ll appreciate this: We got an approval yesterday on a home I listed in 2007.  2007.  It has been an odyssey to say the least: mystery liens, family tragedy, crazy buyers, deals dying, and 3 years of hard work. I listed this […]
Active Rain Sell REOs Only to Owner Occupants the First 2 Weeks I sold my first HUD home in the 90’s sometime. A HUD home, if you don’t already know, is a government-owned foreclosure that is administered by the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). There is a little bit of red tape involved in a HUD transaction, but they typically go well.  One rule HUD […]