Active Rain

Active Rain The Kitchen Thing I have seen some REALLY incredible kitchens in my time.  Some of them were in foreclosed homes. The poor slob who spent $20,000-$30,000 on an amazing kitchen simply primed the pump for the next guy. Sad.  And this leads me to the question: how many people who are pondering a new, renovated kitchen have a […]
Active Rain Why Anthony Weiner Needs to Go Excuse me while I delve a moment. Under politics is the land…. I do not live in Anthony Weiner’s congressional district, but as a New Yorker and a business owner I have a say in matters regarding my state’s delegation to Washington. And like the majority of Empire State folk (except, regrettably, the majority of voters in his […]
Active Rain Is Ossining Really the Most Expensive Housing Market in New York? Last week, I published a market report for Ossining which had the median price of a single family home in Ossining schools at $382,000. While Westchester is one of the more expensive counties in our state, Ossining is actually one of the more affordable places to buy from a price point of view.  Today, Coldwell […]
Active Rain Wordless Wednesday: A 2 Bedroom Ranch was Also Seen Flying By
Active Rain Regarding the Golfing Buddy Who Wants to Buy Your House There is a real estate axiom I was reminded of recently by Bill Lublin that goes like this: every piece of privately owned property in the country is for sale. It might not be listed, but it’s for sale. If you knock on the owner’s door and offer them market value plus enough of a premium, you […]
Active Rain Real Estate Terms to Take with a Grain of Salt It is no exaggeration that getting transactions to close is far more work in this climate than it was 5 years ago. The most onerous pitfalls in my experience are related to title and compliance issues on the property. Old school agents often gloss over illegal bathrooms and decks, but title companies and lenders do not. […]
Active Rain “Buyers” Who Contact Sellers Directly We see quite a bit of weird stuff in this business, which isn’t surprising when you mix home, large sums of money and the inevitable stress. It sometimes brings out a side of people that is unfamiliar, even to them. I have often said that you’ll see the best and worst of people  in what […]
Active Rain Some Staging Advice We Can All Agree On I’ve never taken a staging class. I know little about staging and think it best left to the stagers by and large. But there are a few basics that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out.  You tidy up. You shouldn’t leave dirty dishes in the sink. The dog that loves to bark or just, […]
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Active Rain Speechless Sundays: Hudson River by Bear Mountain
Active Rain How Can a Little Office in Briarcliff Sell so Many Homes All Over Westchester? Prospective clients (and occasionally, colleagues) often ask how, if I am in Briarcliff Manor, I will be able to sell their home in <not Briarcliff>. We sometimes aren’t even in Westchester, but in Rockland or Dutchess.  While I like to keep the tone of my blog more on the informative side, I have to admit […]
Active Rain Opening Up About Open Houses There have been several thought provoking articles written recently on open houses and why some agents really do them. The point that agents would offer to hold a listing open while surreptitiously using them to just prospect for buyer clients is actually a rather old modus operandi; however, my experience has been different. I have […]
Active Rain Did the NAR Lie? I Think Not I am posting this in response to a blog that suggests that the NAR misrepresented the truth when they lobbied against QRM initiatives. No apologist for the NAR am I, but I disagree that the NAR was wrong here. I am re-posting a PDF of the email the NAR sent all brokers in support of […]
Active Rain Now Blogging on Patch Ossining/Croton on Hudson Patch just started here June 1 and I have been asked to contribute to the blogs. I was happy to oblige. I am gratified that two of the top 5 posts are my own contributions and I hope to continue the trend.  Ossining and Croton are two communities that are near and dear to […]
Active Rain A Brief Thought on Service I worked the deli counter at a small market a block from Sing Sing Prison for much of my youth. The place was open from 5:30am until after midnight, specifically to serve the 3 shifts of prison guards from the Big House. They came in tired and burned after 8-12 hours or more with inmates, […]
Active Rain “I Will Only Speak to the Listing Agent” On Friday morning I checked my email and found an online inquiry from about 11pm the prior evening asking to see one of my listings in what amounted to a few short hours. There are two offers on that property, contracts are out, and the homeowner could not possibly confirm the showing on such short […]
Active Rain Ossining Real Estate Market May 2011 May 2011 marks the anniversary of the first month after the stimulus ended. That’s right, it has been a solid year since the mad rush to get a house purchase under contract by April 30. And as many of us in the industry remember, the market stalled after that. Closings in May 2010 were stimulus […]
Active Rain Short Sales to Blame on Housing Market Decline? Gimme a Break A client forwarded me the link on Inman News to this broker in Nevada who blames short sale agents and sellers for the mess.  Prices keep falling because the short-sale agents are listing at 5 to 10 percent below comps in order to try to get an offer, and often are accepting offers at even […]
Active Rain The Silent Majority is Lurking With apologies for the political and foreboding overtones of a silent majority lurking, the term applied to the real estate market is quite accurate. Having read Richard Willard’s excellent post on the reaction of people to the “disappearance” of a listing when he and his client strategically allowed to liasting to “expire and air out,” […]
Active Rain Wordless Wednesday: Committee Meeting
Active Rain Hear Me Yap Twice in June The opportunity to hear me expel hot air in front of a crowded room is something that I KNOW some fellow agents are dying to attend. Just the sound of my whiny, nasal voice and suspect diction are a delight to trainwreck aficionados. So, if you are a masochist or considering penance for past sins, you’ll […]