For Agents July 3, 2024

The Care and Feeding of Brokers and Managers, Revisited

13 years ago I wrote a post entitled “How Salespeople Can Prevent Their Broker From Premature Gray Hair.” It was a fun piece on things that licensees do that range from driving their managers crazy to working smarter and not harder. With the evolution of the industry and technology, I’ve decided to update the list. While I’m mindful that this is primarily a consumer-faced platform, consumers should know that we work hard and are always striving to do better. The better we are, the better the consumer experience.

So here goes an updated list on “managing your manager”:

  1. Texting is not for complex questions. The more detailed the scenario, the more important the context of a conversation becomes.
  2. Your manager is not your secretary. If you need a piece of paper, ask the admin. If it’s after hours, maybe plan better. And of course we’ll help in a pinch.
  3. Your manager is also not tech support. We have a fantastic support staff for all things tech and you should have them on speed dial for those matters.
  4. If, after a training session your only feedback is that you tried that long term strategy for 2 weeks once and it didn’t work for you, perhaps consider a career in another industry. If I give you advice and you tell me that you tried that in 2014 once and it didn’t work, you’re focusing on the wrong thing.
  5. If you have to ask whether or not you should tell a client something, the answer is yes; we are obligated to disclose anything that impacts them.
  6. PLEASE refresh yourself on the Code of Ethics. Just because an agent on the other side of a transaction does something you don’t like, it doesn’t mean they are unethical. They don’t advocate for you, and competing interests can be involved. You should be fluent in the code anyway.
  7. There are no stupid questions. Schedule a meeting if necessary, but ask the question.

I think the bottom line here is that my value as a managing broker is far more in the realm of professionalism than administrative assistance.