Company NewsPimpage May 4, 2022

Some Shameless Self Promotion

Most weeks in our training we publish a “sexy stat” about the company. It might be an obscure, cool thing like how our sign appeared in the movie Wakefield with Bryan Cranston carrying it, or some milestone.

This past April was a nice accomplishment. 

On April 15th, we broke our record for properties put under contract for the month. You read that right; we passed the old record mid-month. When the dust settled, we more than doubled our best April ever, and had our very best month ever in the history of the brand with just an eyelash under $21 million put under contract. This says something. I often tell the agents that what you do today is your love letter to Future You in 60 days or so. Clearly, our team did some hard work over the past 90 days to make this happen, and May has kept up the momentum. 

Spring is the busy cycle of the market and the wind was at our back to a degree, but we also rose to the task and made close to 50 clients happy. The market is robust but that doesn’t mean that every agent has it easy. Quite the contrary. 

So, I tip my cap to my team on their hard work, their commitment, professionalism, and their grit. The best is yet to come.