Company NewsPimpage February 18, 2019

J. Philip Welcomes Elizabeth Koski Jessup

You learn quite a bit about people when you see how they handle it when life throws them a curveball. For Liz Koski Jessup, who I am delighted to introduce as one of our newest associates, meeting me was one in itself.

I’ll explain. A few months ago, one our esteemed associates, Tana McGuire, asked my availability to speak to a Liz about possibly joining the firm. The only time available was when I at my son’s baseball game, and there we were, in the bleachers, chatting about life, business and baseball on a sunny Friday afternoon while we watched the game. That’s not something just anyone can adjust to elegantly, but Liz was awesome. To know Liz is to like her, and we kept in touch. I’m delighted she chose our brand.

Liz is a consistent multi-million dollar producer, and as a Westchester native, her local knowledge is exceptional. She graduated from SUNY Purchase and possesses a  background that is almost a perfect storm of experience to prepare for a career in real estate, with 6 years owning and operating a restaurant and another 12 years in education. A lover of the outdoors, she and her two daughters are horse aficionados (the girls both attend college but have ridden competitively) and if all that weren’t enough, she’s a landlord and real estate investor. This is the kind of experience you *want* advising you on the largest transaction of most peoples’ lives.

I have great admiration for anyone with the moxie to start the process in the stands at a little league game. And don’t be surprised when I laud her going forward in subsequent postings.

Whether you are a first-time buyer, an investor, or dealing in pet friendly or equestrian real estate, Liz has you covered with her experience and insight. You can reach her at 845.746.6788 or When you do, you’ll be in great hands!