Company NewsIndustry News January 30, 2013

Jenn Maher Joins J. Philip Real Estate

Jenn MaherIt is with great joy that we announce the addition of Jennifer Maher to the J. Philip Real Estate family. Jenn is among the most respected and admired names in the Westchester and Putnam real estate community. She is a current Vice president of the Hudson Gateway Association of REALTORS,  Chairperson of the Putnam Chamber of Commerce, has run her own firm, and, by the way, sells a ton of property. Perhaps most impressive to me is the loyalty of her clientele; it seems that many of the deals she works on involve someone she has served in the past. That speaks volumes.

I met Jenn six years ago when we collaborated on a deal that actually never closed- the challenges on both sides of the transaction were considerable, but I had my first experience with the aplomb with which she handled obstacles. We have remained friends ever since. It is easy to do that when the other person is so engaged with association involvement, gets the power of social media the way Jenn does, and always participates (and sometimes organizes) in educational events to help stay ahead of the curve. Her energy, involvement and hyperactivity have always struck a chord with me.

Outside of the industry, Jenn is as much a Renaissance Woman as she is in uniform. A native New Yorker, she’s a supermom, dog lover, hugely active in philanthropy and community, and terrific writer. While I kid her for never taking a bad picture, Jenn is incredibly cerebral and profound; the lens she sees the world through has always spoken to her great intelligence and grasp of the Big Picture.

Jenn’s role will be that of Associate Broker and Director of Development. She will run the commercial division, fortify our presence in Putnam County, and spearhead the growing of the team. Her joining us signifies to me that this is a special place; we are not another independent or boutique. We are building something special here, and will not just be a place where people hang their license. This enterprise should be an example of where real estate should be for consumer experience and as a place to practice the profession at it’s highest level.  This firm will be built with powerful women. That is my intention, and why I am incredibly honored that she chose this firm as her home.


Jennifer MaherRarely do great beauty and great virtue dwell together.
Petrarch, De Remedies