Active Rain November 24, 2010

Funny Questions (and Answers) on Trulia

The butterfly in my basementIt sort of amuses me to see questions asked by people online these days, such as on Trulia Voices. I was inspired to comment on one with the “foreclosure mentality” of many buyers, but it was actually posted a long time ago. Everybody wants a foreclosure. The perception that they are a wonderful bargain is overblown, but you can’t fight the tide. And the questions I see on Trulia Voices do amuse. Many of the answers are classic too. 

I want a foreclosure in <insert absurdly exclusive, wealthy suburbs here>! Why can’t I find any? The answers are a bunch of agents screaming “pick me, pick me!!” when the people are asking for homes that in all likelihood do not exist, not agents who are all too plentiful. 

How come my mortgage loan officer asks me for so many things? Because when the banks didn’t ask for much from the borrowers we got this economy

I have a really complicated, nuanced situation and I am going to give you really sparse facts. What should I do? Beats me. This is another crazy thing- how people can put more credence into anonymous online advice rather than that of their hired professional. 

Can you tell me if my co-op will allow <whatever>? This is a good one because all co ops are different and their rules on renting, purchase, board approval requirements and other arcane things can vary enormously. They can always call their co op, especially given that they don’t tell us what co op they live in. Yet there are agents (pick me! pick me!) offering answers on a co op they know nothing of. 

There are others, but the platform seem to be drying up, at least in our area. There are questions from 2008 and 2009 showing as “most recent,” most likely because the value of such interactions are so limited. If you have a question, ask your agent or broker. He or she has a vested interest in your well being