Active Rain October 3, 2010

Ossining Real Estate Market September 2010

This market report is for single family home activity in the Ossining school district for September of 2010. All information is derived from the Westchester-Putnam Multiple Listing Service. 

Ossining Real Estate market September 2010

In the wake of last month’s encouraging numbers, this September was way down from September of 2009. Sales are down by 40% and the median price tumbled $65,000. Not good! 

However, 22 pending sales is healthy, and the available inventory of 161 homes offers great options for prospective home buyers. 

I would not read much into the down numbers; Ossining has not fared poorly lately and was due for a down month. I have a feeling October will be a strong bounce back. 

Previous postings on Ossining.  

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