Active Rain July 3, 2011

Croton on Hudson Real Estate Market, 2nd Quarter 2011

Croton GorgeI have stopped doing monthly market reports in favor of quarterly version in the hope of smoothing out the data and minimizing anomalies. Even so, the results of this quarter’s data for Croton-Harmon schools are impressive. All data is taken from the Empire Access Multiple Listing Service. 

In the 2nd quarter of 2010, 17 single family homes sold at a median price of $486,500. 

In the 2nd quarter of 2011, 14 single family homes sold at a median price of $592,500, over $100,000 more than the same time period last year. 

They are down three sales, but that is a massive jump and can’t be attributed to just one strange month. That is for three whole months. That speaks to the fact that Croton is attracting higher priced buyers seeking more expensive homes than years past. Upscale housing is more common now than it was before, as newer subdivisions attest.  Activity there raises the median price.   

16 homes are under contract with a buyer at a median asking price of $479,450, so prices appear to be coming back in line with history, and that punctuates the strong quarter the area just enjoyed. 

59 homes are on the market at a median asking price of $529,900, or about a year’s worth of inventory. If you’d like to search Croton’s available homes for sale like an agent, get yourself a free Listingbook Account.

Previous posts on Croton on Hudson.