Active Rain January 17, 2010

10 Day Short Sale Rule

There is a new US treasury guideline that will, according to a report, mandate that banks make their decision on a short sale in 10 days. The new rule also proposes a $1500 allowance to the seller for moving expenses. I have said before that it shouldn’t take a lender more time to decide on a short sale than it currently takes to underwrite a mortgage. The process is virtually the same. 

As enticing as 10 days sounds, I don’t see how it could be enforced, nor do I see 10 days as particularly realistic. It takes a week for example, to get an appraisal done. The pendulum does not need to swing so far the either way from 4 and 6 month short sales to under 2 weeks. I’d be happy with 30 days, and, frankly, so would the buyers. The banks are overwhelmed as it is, and they don’t have the staffing (or so they claim) to speed things up.

So how will they do it? Will this help or hurt? MY fear is that, pressed to make a decision, the lenders will issue denials on deals they might otherwise approve if given a reasonable amount of time. 

Please Uncle Sam, some sanity. I would happily take 30 days. 

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