Active Rain December 10, 2011

We’ll miss you Irene

I knew Irene and met her a number of times at Blog and social media events. She was very warm friendly, and would have given you the shirt off her back. She also LOVED to kid around. There were some videos she used to do where she’d do a “commission check dance,” really her tongue in cheek version of the person at the party that doesn’t know they can’t dance! 

We corresponded a little, and were friends on Facebook. I noticed her going “quiet” about a month ago- I reached out to her on Facebook, and then saw in her last blog post that she had been diagnosed with cancer. It has only been a few months. 

Her battle must have been private, and her blog has been taken down at the request of her family. I’ll miss Irene an awful lot. She always made me smile, and you know this was a person that made the world a better place. 

My thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time. 

Via Kerrie Greenhalgh (ActiveRain, Community Builder):

It is with great sadness that I write this post.  Our lovely, vivacious and beautiful Irene Kennedy passed away on Wednesday.  I don’t know all the details except that she was battling cancer for awhile now. 

I had the pleasure of meeting Irene a few times with the most recent in Atlantic City in April.  She was just the sweetest and even shared her famous RainDance with us bringing a smile to each of our faces.

She touched many lives, mine being one.  Rest in peace sweet Irene, we miss you.