Active Rain December 1, 2011

Want to Know Dedication? I’ll Show You

Tom Liberati of J Philip Real EstateI love my team. 

The stomach bug domino effect has hit the Faranda household, and I packed it in earlier today with one last thing on my “to do” list undone. A short sale we have listed in Putnam Valley is due to have the electricity turned on for inspections to take place (yes, we brought the buyer on that one, thanks Ellise), but the owners are out of town. I needed to get up there today to switch the main breaker off, but couldn’t. Ellise is in Massachusetts due to a death in the family. 

What to do? 

Nothing to it. Tom Liberati, himself working very well on a sale that just went under contract down in Yonkers, volunteered to help. He had to help his father in Connecticut tonight, but when he was done he drove all the way over to the house at 10:30 at night and flipped the switch. 

Tom is not involved in this sale. He gets no financial gain and he may not have met Ellise yet for that matter. None of that is on the radar for a team player. He ignored the clock, took his flashlight, and texted me at 10:42pm that the job was done. Finally, after 11, he’ll get to go home to his wife and young son and call it a day. I have been there. I know what it is like. 

Tom Liberati

Is Tom the kind of agent you’d want? Do I even need to ask? Do you know many agents that would do this? I sure don’t. Would you sleep well at night knowing your agent was this committed? I sure would. 

I have often said that it isn’t what you do between 9-5 that makes you successful, but what you do after 5 and before 9 that determines your fortunes. Anyone that uses Tom for their real estate needs gets a truly dedicated professional that thinks of himself last, after family and work. This is the kind of guy we have on our team. This is the kind of agent I would want. Tom is a newer licensee, but is already starting to make waves, listing homes and getting buyers into contract. The reports I have on his work are stellar. This won’t be the last time I brag about Tom Liberati. 

If you are looking for a good agent who has the extra mile programmed into his GPS, you want Tom. Email him at or call (914) 434-0072 to get connected to a great agent. Or log onto his Listingbook home search

 I am associated with awesome people.