Active Rain June 25, 2011

A Little Daddy Time

Yesterday was the last day of school, and as the two oldest got on the bus, Ann said “Goodbye first and third grades, hello second and fourth!” This really struck me, because it seems like a few weeks ago that Luke and Catherine were little toddlers. One of the very sweet things Catherine does is just sit next to me when I come home exhausted. It is nice to just sit with her next to me, typically not saying much, as I decompress with my little sweetheart’s head on my shoulder. 

What I love about this picture is that we’re sitting together alright, just ignoring each other as we both play Angry Birds! The kids have gotten a little too addicted to the game, probably because of me, so it is now rationed. But beyond that it reminds me that I don’t sell land or wood or kitchens, I sell homes. Homes are places where we spend our time with family, where we make memories, and where we spend tons of forgotten moments with loved ones. 

This candid snapshot in time just spoke to me. I am sure I spent a million moments like this with my own Mom and Dad, but I don’t have many photos. We have hundreds with our pups. I love that part about technology.  

And that’s what my clients do also, in their homes, that I hopefully got them a good deal on, comfortable that the roof over their heads is secure, safe, and permanent. 

Dad and Cat