Active Rain May 25, 2011

The Best Features Aren’t Mine

The best posts featured on the front page on Active Rain, the ones I love to see on the dashboard even more than my own, are those written by my own agents and invitees. This past September, I almost had the vapors when the firm’s own Tom Ricapito wrote a terrific post that was featured entitled Is that my commission in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?  I in turn wrote a a convoluted yapfest about my initial reaction, which was less than calm. The great thing about Tom’s post (and Tom) was the raw authenticity about his feelings on the challenges and quirks we experience in the field.  

Just this evening, I logged onto Active Rain and saw none other than our own Stephanie Solano featured for the first time as well. What an absolutely cool thing to see. It is almost surreal. 

Stephanie’s piece is in the same vein as Tom’s- a great offering that we can all relate to on her thoughts about being asked to show a property that her buyer was not qualified to see. It doesn’t just happen to me. Or you. It happens to all of us. But that it IS happening, to one of my own, is highly cool to observe. 

It is one thing to do something yourself. It is another to see one of your own team do it themselves. I never taught Stephanie to blog. I never taught Tom. I just suggested it. They took it from there. It is the same with how a good, new agent gets clients right out of the starting gate. Tom needed little help in the beginning. Stephanie has two deals pending already, and while I’m bragging on the crew, Tom Liberati has two listings and counting and he’s in his first 90 days of licensure. Do they listen to me? Yes. Are they coachable? Certainly. But they are going out there and doing it. 

One of my favorite therapies is working in my yard. When you plant a lilac or trim a shrub, they don’t argue. You water, they grow. No lawyers. No underwriters. No last minute title surprises (can you imagine getting an email from the azelea that they wouldn’t blossom this year because you didn’t use the right hose?). Helping human beings get results and grow in this business is altogether different. However, when they do grow, as I see with Tom, Stephanie and Tom, is is a great thing for a broker to behold. 

Agents who get results early have huge odds in their favor for success over agents who do not. All three of my guys have bright futures, and I am very proud of their progress, online and offline. 

Salud to my Murderer’s Row! 

Tom Ricapito Stephanie Solano Tom Liberati

And we’ve got more!