Active Rain February 25, 2012

The Day When When REO Agents Have To Work With The Rest of Us Again

Those of you who know Paul Slaybaugh know what I am talking about. Those of you who don’t can thank me later. Paul is a writer of uncommon talent with a wit that I adore. He quasi graduated from Active Rain and now self hosts his own platform at Scottdale Property Shop, and his latest article is not only very funny, it is very true.

Over the past 4-5 years I have often wondered aloud what it would be like for a certain segment of REO agents when the gravy train of cheap, bank-owned foreclosure listings go away and things like collegial treatment of fellow agents and basic giving a crap would matter again for them. Not all REO guys; just the ones who haven’t returned a phone call since 2006 and whose assistants tell you-ASSURE YOU- that the 180 day old listing is “fully available” at 10 am, then say with a straight face at 3pm that contracts are out.

Yeah. Those guys.

Paul has penned (typed) an awesome piece you should read.

Go. There. Now.

Welcome Back, REO Agents!