Active Rain January 5, 2012

RE BarCamp Is in New York City January 9th!

My pals at the Lucky Strikers Social Media Club will be putting on the 2012 edition of Real Estate BarCamp this Monday, January 9th from 9am to 5 (ish) at Simple Studios at 134 w 29th St in Manhattan. If you are a licensee and have never been to a BarCamp, you should check it out. If you’ve been to one, you’ll know what I mean. The incredible amount of cutting edge learning and peer to peer exchange of information at these events, to say nothing of FUN, is unparralleled.

Admission is $30 and that is the best deal on 8 solid hours of learning you’ll ever see. 

For those of you reading this who are consumers, you need to knwo that there are industry professionals who attend these events not to get continuing education credit or get out of the house for a day, but to give you better results and service. A commitment to learning, a need to be current and a desire to be ahead of the curve is paramount to selling real estate for happy clients in the 21st Century. 

For more information, log onto If you are in the NY area or can get here, make plans! 

RE Barcamp NYC 2012