Active Rain October 20, 2011

Mark’s 2nd Closing

Mark's 1st closingAlmost exactly 2 years ago, on October 14, 2009, we closed on my in-laws’ co op in Queens. It was the end of an era, as my wife had grown up in that apartment; it had been in her family for decades. That day, we had a babysitting challenge, and we were forced to bring our 2-year old son, Mark, to the closing in New York City. Like it wasn’t hard enough. If you told me that the buyer’s attorney was also going to be 90 minutes late for the closing on top of all that, I would have asked for an adjournment. But, there we were in an office, with a two year old, at a closing table for almost 4 hours. 

And the 2-year old was the best behaved person in the room. The whole time. Mark just sat there like it was business as usual, munching on his crackers and taking the odd swig from his sippy cup, and fell asleep on his mom’s shoulder just when they were passing out checks. 

Fast forward 2 years and 5 days- Mark is home with Dad for the day, and Mom is called out. There is a closing at noon with a client I have been working with for ages. And we have the same lawyer on our side as we did two years ago! 

So, off to Great Neck, Long Island we two men went, and Mark was again a well behaved guy. The closing was at the bank, and they just happened to have chocolate cake because it was the Big Cheese’s birthday. They asked Mark to try out the cake before anyone else to make sure it was yummy. 

And sugared up, the little guy was still a champ. 

He is clearly his mother’s son. 

Mark doing everyone a favor and tasting the birthday cake

Mark and Laura Browne, one of the best real estate attorneys in New York

Tiring day at the office