Active Rain May 25, 2011

Leatherman to be Reburied Today

According to the Journal News, the legendary Leatherman will be reburied today in a more fitting place in Sparta Cemetary, further from Route 9. His original burial place was mere steps from the ever widening highway. The controversy that stemmed from the issue is now meaningless, as the Times reports that little more than coffin nails were found in his burial site. 

Scientists hoped to study his remains for some clues as to his ethnicity and medical condition, as the mysterious man was known to speak a French and little English, and made a 365 mile loop every 34 days between the Hudson Valley and Connecticut for decades, living off the land and the kindness of locals. Some people objected to the exhumation and especially the analysis of his remains, but no remains could be found. 

I drove past Sparta Cemetary this past week and saw the tent up where they were doing their work, and figured that I would see a story about it in the media shortly. He may be back with the Earth, but the Leatherman remains a fixture in local lore, and while other kids heard dumb stories about the New Jersey Devil if they got lost in the woods, we heard stories of a kindly soul who helped others in his wanderings, and our guy was rooted in true events. 

Godspeed Leatherman, wherever you are, and we’ll never forget you. 

The Leatherman's Gravesite being moved away from the highway