Active Rain May 22, 2011

Funny What Happens When You Take my Advice

MaryknollI got a call this morning from a seller client who had two showings scheduled for the day. She was concerned she might have to postpone the appointments. It seemed that she discovered an ant colony outside a window of her condo, and was concerned that the development might repel the prospective buyers.

“NO!” I insisted, “let them in! They might be turned off by the ants, but if they get canceled there is a 100% chance they won’t make an offer today!” I explained to my client that the best thing to do is call the superintendent, post a note explaining the ants were just discovered and were being addressed, and assurethem that we were aware of the situation.

With literally dozens of competing listings, we had no guarantee that anyone would reschedule if we canceled. We needed to show, period.  Just tell the truth and believe in a good outcome. Reluctantly, she agreed. She would trust my advice. 

And a few hours later, after 84 showing requests, 6 months, and one deal that fell through, we got a very strong offer. It is funny how that happens. 

You never know what magic will happen when you err on the side of possibility, especially when it is a little scary to do so.