Mr May (I love saying that-it evokes an image of him on a calender in a Chippendale get up) has thrown down a challenge to me, sharing that my recent idea on blog radio (not really radio…it was the Interwebs) of making a game of things like blog subscribers has inspired him to catch up, and that I should watch my rear view mirror.
The issue came up when Bob asked me how I stay motivated, as if 4 kids isn’t enough. I pimped the Active Rain point system as one source of motivation, getting comments being another, and then I opened my big yap and talked about getting subscribers. Alan, who I don’t even recall giving permission to tune in, has thrown down the gauntlet. It’s on. # 40 is Looking to surpass #34.
I pointed out to Alan that Craig Daniels is kicking both of our tookases, and is ranked 14th on the planet for Active Rain scubscribers…with only 113 posts!!!!
As I am one of Mr Daniels’ loyal subscribers, I an attest to the fact that he puts out extremely valuable content. Every post teaches me something new and often a little inspiring.
So, Mr May (whom I also subscribe to…), challenge accepted. I for one aspire to catch Craig. That’s my game. And I’ll aspire to do it the way Craig does, by producing good content with no tricks or shenanigans. Just the best blogging I can produce.
By the way, to keep myself engaged, I have added a few new buttons to my footer! I’d really love everyone’s input ! 😉