Active Rain March 19, 2011

My 3 Gold Star Bloggers

Craig Daniels has challenged us to name 3 bloggers we love– the sort of folks that if a glitch in Active Rain were to erase our subscription list that we’d immediately seek them out again. I have more than three, but the limit is three, so I’ll refrain from mentioning bloggers I know are on other lists already to my knowledge. I hate to leave some out. 

There are great ones I am happy to name to my triumverate. 

Scott Hayes

Scott HayesScott is one of the reasons why people wonder aloud if there is something in the water in Austin because there are some great bloggers there. 

Scott’s stuff appeals to me because he’s erudite, insightful, and writes moth watering local stuff about a town where I spent one of my happiest summers with my older brother, who lived in Austin for many years. 

Check out What makes for a bad closing? As a great example of a thought provoking post. 

Tni LeBlanc

TniTni is also a lawyer, so I should be inclined to dislike her. Yet she’s a real estate broker, so I embrace her coming back to the light.

I love straight, in your face communication and Tni delivers like a New Yorker, and that is a compliment. She speaks her mind, her writing style is clear as a bell with great economy of words, and very enjoyable. And blunt! I love that. 

Check out Dear Seller: Your House Stinks as a great example of straight talk from the gut. 


Stephen Fells

Stephen FellsFull disclosure: I know Stephen in real life. But we met via social networking, not the other way around.

His blog is great because it is a mix of really fun stuff and cogent, useful material from a briliant mind that did code for Fortune 100 companies. Stephen isn’t an agent or loan officer, he makes our tools, like and custom facebook pages.

The man is brain food (and underrated at that) when he isn’t making you laugh, and he blogs in a British Accent. I can’t do that.


Those are my three, I love to see them at the top of my dashboard, and I read everything they write.