Active Rain February 17, 2011

Baseball Junkies: It is that time of Year Again

Surfing on Active Rain this morning has yielded a neat discovery: There is a baseball junkies group here. I happen to be a huge baseball guy. When I was in Brooklyn, I took photos of the apartment complex that sits where Ebbets Field once was. I have been to an apartment in  Harlem that is on the former infield of the Polo Grounds. I am too busy for Yankee season tickets, but I have been to tons of Yankee games and visited Met, Cub, Phillie, Oriole, Tiger, and a slew of minor club home games. Not hardcore enough? 

Fine. Beat this:

Part of our honeymoon was in Cooperstown, NY. Yeah, you can’t beat that. 

Michael Perry has this baseball Junkies group, and it appears to be 2 days old. Pitchers and catchers have reported. Grass has peeked out from under my snow for the first time. Parkas will be put away in favor of windbreakers soon. I am going to be there, and if you love the pastoral pasttime, jump in yourself. I just offered “Bang the Drum Slowly” in the baseball movie thread. I should have also added “Damn Yankees.” Maybe I will. 

It amazes me the stuff I find here that is so up my alley.  Play ball.