David Popoff has written an intriguing post, asking us what our top 10 posts o 2010 were. His metric was clicks, but you could, I suppose also do a list for comments. Comments don’t make me money, so I’ll stick with clicks also. Here are my top 10:
- The Money You “Lost” in Your Price Reduction Wasn’t Real 6916
- Male Agents are From Mars: Advice for Wives of Agents 5021
- Why Tons of Buyers Are Screwing Up 4597
- 2 Things Listing Agents Should Never Say on Accompanied Showings 3875
- What Makes a Short Sale Specialist? 2826
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Taking Flat Fee Listings 2536
- Sellers Should Pay Closing Costs Only When Buyer Needs It 2353
- Do Me A Teensy Weensy Little Favor 2254
- Why do Buyers Make Lowball Offers? 2207
- 10 Day Short Sale Rule 1833
I have other favorites, but those are the top 10 decided by the clicking public.