Active Rain December 5, 2010

J. Philip in the Media- NY Times, to be Exact

J Philip Real EstateThe local rag has quoted me in the Sunday edition of the paper in an article on strategic defaults. The local rag, being, of course, the New York Times. The interview for the article was this past week, and the reporter, Lynnley Brown, was very nice. She said I’m a mortgage broker, which is a mistake, as I am a real estate broker, but that’s baseball. It showed up in my Google Alert anyway. And I’m sure they’ll print a page 1 retraction on Monday. Right? 

The Times, to its credit, has reported more lately on defaulting home owners; the editorial tone has been typically more sympathetic to the borrowers, and critical of banks who encumber short sales and loan modifications. The article I appear in discusses the ramifications of strategic defaults as they vary from state to state, as some are “recourse” states and others are “non-recourse.” It is an informative article.

It is always nice to have the company appear in the fish wrap, and it is a nice result of how blogging has helped the firm create a presence. 

Of course, when you have great sources, it is easy to publish a good piece.