Active Rain December 5, 2010

I Hate Saying No, But Sometimes I Must

The call came in at 11am this morning, and it was a buyer one of my agents has been working with the past few weekends. They are looking for a home, and that is our favorite kind of client. They had a list if beautiful homes in Southern Westchester for sale they wanted to see. 

Unfortunately, I couldn’t help them this day. I had to offer a raincheck. The reason? Weekends are our busy days in this business, and Saturdays and Sundays get filled pretty fast. If you don’t have yourself in the schedule by Friday, I can’t promise that I can make time for you on a weekend day. Most people are off on the weekends, and because of that, we in the real estate biz are “on.” That’s the way it is, and if you don’t work weekends in this business, you are losing business. Clients and customers need us at these times.  

But Sunday at 11am is too late for me to make time sometimes-like today. I tried- My agent was already booked, I was booked, and everyone else in the firm I called had other clients scheduled. We couldn’t honor the request. And that is a bummer! Had we known Friday they’d be in. 

In my book, anyone who is looking for a house in December is a serious buyer whom we take seriously. I love December business. We just need more notice, and we’ll go to the mat for our buyers! 

You can search for a home 24/7 in your pajamas just by registering for a free Listingbook account