Active Rain November 22, 2010

Utility: If You Don’t Let Us In, We’ll Bill Broker

I have a listing that recently expired. A deal fell apart on it and my client lives out of state. That’s all I can tell you. Apparently, Central Hudson Gas and Electric can’t reach him, so they harass me. They want me to let them in the house so they can cut the power. 

One problem: I’m not authorized to do that. Do I have a key? Yes. Am I allowed in the house? Probably still to show a possible buyer. Can I let a creditor of my client in? No. No, I can’t do that. 

So here’s the message the utility left for me in my office:

Phil, Sabrina from Central Hudson Gas and Electric called regarding XX XXXX. She said you spoke last month about getting in to lock the gas meter. If access is not given they will transfer the bill to your business name.

Now that’s chutzpah. Transfer the debt to the broker. I’m not a lawyer but I don’t think they get to do that. Sabrina and I are going to have a little conversation Monday, and if I don’t set Central Hudson straight, my attorney will. I am about as liable for my client’s gas bill as his dentist.