Active Rain September 29, 2010


Arriving at the reception. Ann is relaxed while I am dying to eat. The waitress asked for my drink order, and I asked for a buttered roll. She said she never heard of that drink. I then clarified that I wanted a roll with butter on it. She said that was a first in 20 years.  Two items of significance today:

  1. I have a closing at 1pm. This is very pleasing to my wife, who attaches importance to having funds in the company operating account. 
  2. Regarding the wife: Nine years ago today, Ann showed up. For our wedding. This was something that at the time was not an absolute certainty, as she had some serious pre-wedding jitters the whole week before, and I remember getting to the church hearing an old car in the parking lot with its alarm blaring loudly for what seemed like 15 minutes. The owner did turn it off before the ceremony, but I was paranoid that it was a bad omen. I really was afraid she might not show up. I remember seeing her arrive in the back of the Church looking The begottenlike  a million bucks and feeling relieved and dazed. As we walked out of the Church, she turned to me and said “Oh, that’s not any different.” I am sure every husband can remember that first moment when he wanted to strangle his wife. That was mine, 30 seconds after the wedding. She worked fast. 

Actually, working fast seemed like Ann’s superpower. Luke arrived 9 months and two  weeks after we wed. Huge blessing that was, as anyone married in their 30’s knows. In the past nine years we have brought 4 children into the world, endured a miscarriage, said goodbye to two dogs, my brother and her father, and partnered up in this crazy real estate company. Ann is the administrative goddess who has harnessed all my hot air like a virtuoso, and we now have 18 licensees docked with the company with half a dozen more waiting in the wings. The company has grown in the midst of a horrid market, but she’s been right there with me every battle, skirmish, win, loss, tie, injury, obstacle and solution and she always packed me a nice sandwich, often with a pickle, and always garnished with encouragement and faith in me. 

Gregory, our 5 year old is on the spectrum for autism and she’s been an endless well of support and love for him, educating herself immensely into that mysterious world in spite of all the overwhelming plates we must spin as self employed parents of 4 working in an uber-competitive New York market in a miserable economy. 

She is still a fun date, cuts across a room like a Rockette, and has not completely been jaded and corrupted by my dark sardonic humor. The children worship the ground she walks on, and with good reason. She has created their childhoods to be like the Garden of Eden. The dog reveres her. The agents in the company adore her. I have learned to listen to her. Sometimes. I can completely be myself around her, which is priceless to me. 

As hard as we work, there are times when she relaxes by playing the piano. The children all take their stations nearby with their book or toy of choice, the dog takes his perch, and I hear it all from whatever table I am tapping on the laptop. The phone is mercifully silent for a few minutes, and there is no fire to put out as her music echoes throughout our home. These are the moments where I am reminded that I am blessed. 

Canded wedding photos are the best. This is one of our favorites.


More wedding pictures.