Active Rain September 28, 2010

Maybe we Should Speak More Often?

Earlier this morning, Margaret Rome called me and we had a very nice conversation about the business. I emailed her after she commented on a post and she picked up the phone to reach out and speak in person. We had never met prior, so it was unexpected and completely out of the blue. Margaret just wanted to clarify her meaning in her comment, which she didn’t need to do- I knew where she was coming from and that’s why I emailed. It was an absolute pleasure to talk shop with someone with experience and class. When she signed off, she wished me a great day. 

Then, the magic started. 

Later in the morning, I got a call from a buyer client asking me to write an offer on a home we saw yesterday, which was submitted midday today. We haven’t yet gotten an answer, but I like our chances. 

We also received two best and final bids on one of my listings during the day. They have been submitted and we await a decision.  

Then, among the emails I got tonight:

Client Email 1: 

Are we on an automatic sending list?! We signed a contract today, we don’t need to look at anymore houses… We found a good one thanks to the best realtor in the world …

Client Email 2:

Hope you know the closing time is now 1 pm instead of 2 pm, same date Sept 29

In email number 1, I knew the signing was scheduled. In email number 2, I was unaware up until that point that a closing had been scheduled.

In both cases, we worked long and hard- the second one, as a matter of fact, is a short sale. 

You can’t make this stuff up. I need to talk with Margaret Rome more often. I think she has the touch.