Active Rain September 16, 2010

I Love Referrals

I am often asked why I blog. Clients wonder, fellow agents ask, and many who have read my words are curious why I produce all this commentary. There are a number of reasons: it is therapeutic, I have a big mouth, I like to write, it keeps my company visible, and many other motivations come to mind. A big one for me is Referrals. I love referrals. I love doing a good job when I get a referral. 

Magic happens when you are committed. Late in August, I committed to Karen Bernetti’s 30 day challenge contest, where I pledged to blog at least once a day for 30 days. Perhaps not a stretch for me, but some days I might not blog and other days I could write 3 or 4 posts. At any rate, I committed to 30 consecutive days, and, more importantly, my promise to myself was that I wouldn’t be a robot- I’d try and write good stuff. This post will fulfill my 30th consecutive day, but that’s not the best thing. Here’s the magic:

Elyse Berman

In late August, I was contacted by Elyse Berman and referred a listing. Elyse is in Florida, as was her friend, but she had a house to sell in my area. I called her and orchestrated a meeting when she returned to New York, and just this past week we signed papers and the house is active on the market as one of my newest listings. Elyse’s friend is happy, I’m ecstatic, and of course I look forward to the day when I can close the deal and mail Elyse’s referral fee. I am very honored she reached out to me, and I will do all I can to take great care of the client. 

Dana VoelzkeLast week, I saw another referral on the Active Rain Referral Exchange. I applied for it, and was told by Dana Voelzke that she had called me the day prior about referring her client to me! She thought of me first! This client was different- they needed a rental with some special circumstances and they needed it quickly. I never overpromise, and I have a terrific team, so I placed the client with one of my very best associate brokers who specializes in the locale that was targeted. The leases are already signed

Two referrals in less than 30 days. That is a big deal, and it is better than all the other little accolades I got from blogging; I got some features, added some new subscribers, and met quite a few ‘Rainers at a local ReBar camp. All great. But to me, the referrals are the magic- and 2 in one month is spectacular. I am grateful for their trust and am humbled.  

And I am going for 56 now, so 26 to go!