ReBarCamp Rye was held today at the Rye Town Hilton, and it was my first ever BarCamp. I am typically rather cynical about seminars, camps and such, due mainly because I am tired of being recruited and I abhor being sold to. However, like Raincamp, there was no “product.” The sponsors weren’t hawked, and the subject matter was enlightening, relevant, and helpful. I also connected with a number of people in the offline world for the very first time and caught up with others.
Lucky Strikers was prominent in the organization of the event, which was held ahead of the annual NYSAR meeting, also in Rye the next 3 days. If you have never been to a REBarcamp, you should go. It is a very fluid day, and the format is ad hoc- the participants are often the purveyors. I gave a session on short sales and anther on blogging, which was dubbed “BLUGGING- Putting the U in Blogging.” Michael Daly coined the phrase, and I love it. Chris Smith, author of Tech Savvy Agent gave a fantastic session on advanced social media, and I was floored by how much I do not know.
Among those I met up with were
- Marilyn Katz, and Active Rainer from Connecticut.
- Steve Hubbard, a Remax broker whom I knew from my days selling real estate in Rochester, NY
- Sonja Lovas, author of Westchesterisms, a wonderful tagline for a blog
- Dawn Bricker, who presided over a lively session on managing your online reputation
- Debbie Gartner, queen of Westchester Flooring and prolific contributor here on Active Rain
- Suzanne Welch, a broker in nearby Croton on Hudson.