Active Rain September 7, 2010

My First Expired Mailer circa 2005-06

I got this idea from Terry Hunnefeld from the old Goldrush program in the mid 1990’s. Terry was a Grand Rapids based broker who has since merged with By Referral Only. This was my first foray into Direct Response Marketing, and it does indeed make the phone ring, and that is the first step. 

First Expired Mailer

A few things to note:


  • The disclaimer is right on top, which is necessary for compliance. 
  • The USP, or Unique Selling Proposition, is gutsy and radically different from what people are getting from other agents. 
  • The card itself is not fancy, and almost looks handwritten and again, separates you from other mailers which try to be glitzy and impressive.
  • If prices in your market area are lower than they are here, make the amount $500. 

 Here’s the small print, given at the listing presentation on company letterhead: 


  1. Home has to be priced at a recommended 60-day market price mutually agreed upon by agent and seller. 
  2. Home MUST be shown to all reasonable requests- denying a reasonable showing request invalidates the guarantee because it could lose the buyer we were supposed to have. 
  3. If an offer that results in a closed sale is not promulgated within 60 days of going on market and the above 2 conditions are met, the amount will be deducted from the commission at closing when the house does sell. 
This is a powerful tool. It offers a very bold performance guarantee, separates you from the herd, and if anyone doubts your credibility, you can remind them that you got them to call you, not the other way around. 
You do NOT sign a 60-day listing. That is the guarantee, not the term of the length of the term. List for as long as any typical listing term for your company-90 days, 6 months, a year, whatever you normally do. 
All you want from this mailer is a listing appointment; no more, no less. You just need to sit with them at their kitchen table. You aren’t going to list their house over the phone or sell yourself on the phone. It is just to get an appointment. Once you get belly to belly with a listing prospect, you have a shot at the listing, and a good one.