Active Rain August 15, 2010

OK To Trash Other Business Models?

Business Model Comparison

One of the no-no’s of our industry, I thought, was the practice of knocking a business model that differs from our own. It doesn’t edify the industry, it certainly doesn’t make us look very good to consumers, and it often backfires anyway. Moreover, the criticisms are often unfounded. We recently dealt with an agency that is run by a rather sour, unpleasant person. The closing was adjourned because of a small problem, and in the midst of sorting things out in the interim (it closed the following week), I reached out to my counterpart broker. 

I might as well have set my hair on fire. 

The adversarial, confrontational, and flat out uncalled for hostility surprised me. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice to say that my 56 game hitting streak of building bridges with my colleagues ended with that effort, and I don’t look forward to another transaction with the guy’s firm (I have since begun a new streak). Curious as to why he was so miserable, one of the things I did was check out his company web page. What I found was disconcerting. 

Apparently, his firm is the only firm in the world that will really serve the clients. Everyone else is a back-stabbing mercenary, to paraphrase his claims. Most of the content was venom, and one of the things on the site was comparison chart of other firms compared to Grouchy’s brokerage. Take a look and tell me if you find it truthful. For my part, I have certainly done everything they say I won’t do, and I don’t operate on their model!

Is this Kosher in your view?