Active Rain August 4, 2010

The Surreal Closing

J Philip Real EstateTomorrow is a closing on the purchase of a home for clients I first met in April of 2009. 16 months, dozens of homes, 2 offers, 2 homes inspections, 1 heartbreaking lost deal and about a hundred conversations later they will close on that perfect home, which I first blogged about this past Spring

It is almost surreal that we are finally closing after such a long process. We looked in earnest for over a year, and this past March we thought we had THE house until another higher bid came in right before we signed contracts. It was crushing to come so close and lose the house when we thought we had it. However, hokey as it sounds, we decided that these things happen for a reason and that better things awaited us. We were right. This home was also a multiple bid situation, but we came out on top, and the listing agent and I have kept in very close communication every step of the way. Nothing was left to chance. 

So, tomorrow morning I will leave the house, buy coffee and doughnuts, drive across the Tappan Zee bridge to Nyack, New York and meet my friends at 8am sharp for our walk through. We will then go to the closing, make it official, get the keys and share a good hug and maybe a few tears. I have become very good friends with my clients in this process, they were dreams to work with, and if I could hand pick a pair of people to endure a long drawn out home purchase with, it would be Kate and Theresa

It will be a little strange to deal with them in a context where we aren’t looking for a home, but I don’t care. I am keeping in touch with these two.