Active Rain August 1, 2010

Zillow “Best Real Estate Blog” Contest

I should be asleep, but I just read on Facebook that Zillow is holding a “Best Real Estate Blog” vote in a number of metropolitan areas. I originally read it on Jay Thompson’s (AKA The Phoenix Real Estate Guy’s) page, and I got intrigued to see if they were including any New York blogs; they are not.

There are 10 Metropolitan areas being surveyed:

The Somers team is a nominee in Philadelphia and they got my vote, and it isn’t because their outside blog has a header of a rowing shell. They are phenomenal at readable, engaging hyper local content as well as selling their area. Jay/Phoenix Real Estate Guy also got my vote and deservedly so. He’s a rock star and a good man. I started reading him when I saw that he frequented the Sellsius Real Estate Blog, which is on hiatus until Joe Ferrara gets in better health. To his credit, Jay has made a big effort to rally the community to help Joe get better. That alone beatifies him in my book. I’ll post more on that later, as I know Joe and he is ill. 

I would surf around to see if there are any other Active Rainers nominated in their respective markets but it is ridiculously late, and I just gave you the keys to the kingdom.

Next time they run this, my goal is to be on the list for the New York area. That is a lofty goal, because there are some great local real estate blogs around here, in NYC and around as well.

Regardless of what you may think of Zillow, this looks like fun and is worth checking out.