Active Rain June 21, 2010

Expired Listing Mastermind Group


The group is for agents who are either already outstanding in the field of listing expireds or those who strive to be. A few groundrules:

  • All posts are private. This is not for your hyperlocal, diary, rants, or other sorts of blogs. 
  • One agent per market only, please. We can’t give our secrets away to the competition. 
  • In that spirit, if you are here, you agree to keep group material confidential. You also agree to not sell it or use the information for anything other than listing more expireds in your market place. We aren’t here to create gurus, we are here to get more listings.
  • If something works well in one market area it may not do as well in another. 
  • It goes without saying, but listing expireds is a numbers game that requires consistency. This is not the magic bullet group!
Post away, ask questions, share ideas and let’s make more money.