Active Rain June 7, 2010

Take Your Kid to Work Day at J. Philip Real Estate

This past week I had a day where the schedule actually allowed me take both Mark and Catherine with me to work. Mark was early in the day, and Catherine rode with me after school. It was the first time in a long time I was able to acquiesce to my her almost daily beg to let her come with me. 

Mark is three, and I am still getting used to the fact that he is more adept at engaging in a conversation with each passing day. We had a nice chat as I drove to Yorktown and Scarsdale to take some BPO photos, and while in Yorktown we had a chance to go to Carvel. This was Mark’s first experience with Carvel ice cream. He had a dish of soft vanilla (his choice) and rainbow sprinkles (my suggestion). The picture says it all. I enjoyed watching him discover ice cream and sprinkles. 

Mark's first trip to Carvel

Later, Catherine had her turn, which she really relished. Catherine is 6 and asks every day to come with me, and on rare occasions I can bring her along. I had to pick up contracts at an attorney’s office, deliver them, install a lock box, and take interior photos of a new co op listing in White Plains. When we arrived at the lawyer’s office to pick up the contract, the attorney and her paralegal had a nice moment with Catherine. I explained how she lobbied to come, and Donna said a very nice thing: “Catherine should see what some grown up ladies do.” Indeed. 

The lobby of the office where I was deliver the contract had a big mirror, so we took a quick Cat and Dad photo. I love this photo because it captures us. I am her hero. 

Cat and Dad

I seldom get to mix business and pleasure, and spending a rare period of my day falling in love with my cubs again was a rare treat. It is times like this that I am glad to be my own boss. I hope we can do it again soon, and I’m sure it will be every bit as fun.