Active Rain April 15, 2010

“The Keys” Seminar a Success

This evening was, at long last, “The Keys” home ownership seminar at Tuscan Grille in Briarcliff. About 25 people attended, and it was a lively session on the Westchester County home buying process, mortgage approvals, short sales, closing costs, and many other engaging topics. I spoke first (I was a little nervous) and am told I did fine. United Northern Bank, LTD was my co-presenter, and sponsored the event. 

I am very happy with the material we covered; ANYONE who was in attendance got some very good information (and some really good dinner. Tuscan served salad, penne a la vodka, chicken francese, and mixed veggies. The chicken was awesome) that would save them money and give them peace of mind going into the Westchester County home buying process. After I spoke I watched the group from the back of the room, and attendees were absolutely dialed in. I love that.


The Keys Seminar 

For me, the best part of an event like this is the conversations I have with attendees after the session, where I can relax and kibitz a little. I enjoyed speaking with new faces, fielding questions, and getting thank-you’s from folks who came to learn and left satisfied. One person drove up from the Bronx and shared with me that she wants to buy a home here in Westchester. She was glad she came. So was I! 

Everything I learned myself about putting on a seminar like this will be incorporated into the next event. I will do another session again soon, perhaps in June. I think we might do an event in southern Westchester, and perhaps make it a Saturday Brunch sort of event. Stay tuned.