Active Rain February 28, 2010

Top Reasons for Being on Active Rain

I’ll be brief.

I wrote a version of this for my company agents to inspire them to get busy here, and I’ll share it with my colleagues:

  1. Get found. By buyers, sellers, reporters, other agents with referrals.
  2. Get followed. Why you want your blog to be engaging (sticky)- Not everyone who finds you is ready to act now. If you keep them coming back, they’ll use you when they are ready to roll.
  3. Get referred. Active Rain allows agents to search for good people to serve their clients moving out of town. The more you contribute, the more prominent you’ll become.
  4. Get educated. Knowldge is power. The flow of ideas, stratgies and insights from the membership is awesome -and lucrative-brain food.
  5. Get inspired. We experience rejection for a living. There is nothing better to recharge your batteries than the huge numbers of triumphs and challenges posted by your colleagues all over the USA and Canada.
  6. Get acquainted. Yesterday I was in contact with fellow ‘Rainers from around the country via phone, email and text. Ohio, California, Massachusetts, you name it. The earth has shrunk to the size of Cheers.
  7. Get support. I have seen members share tales of special needs children, loss, death of a loved one, abuse, and more. Short of a big fat hug, a few blog comments of solidarity make a difference.
  8. Get hired. Moving to a new brokerage? Need to change scenery? Nothing tells you more about a firm than what they blog about. On the broker side, it is a great recruiting tool that has attracted good agents to my firm.
  9. Get it off your chest. Purge, baby. I have availed myself of this a few times.