Active Rain February 21, 2010

Ossining Economy is Growing

Max ran out of kibble so I ran down to Arcadian Shopping Center to replentish the dawg Smörgåsbord. You see a lot when you open your eyes, and I am glad I brought the camera. Over the past 2 years, I have seen business in town contract, close, and cause vacancies. That trend appears to be reversing, and Ossining is open for business. Here are a few good signs of growth and expansion of commerce. 

New Marshall's in Arcadian Shopping Center


New Ossining Business Replaces Closed Store


Ossining- New Business Coming


Ossining Car Wash Expansion

Some of the vacancies are 2-3 years old; a large restaurant just opened in the same shopping center which I’ll blog about in the near future. The fact that so much is happening at the same time is significant to me. All of this is happening within a diameter of 300 or so yards. This is no coincidence, and portends a recovery in my view. 

This will have a positive effect on Ossining real estate. Oh yes, another business is expanding, and it is about to put a few signs up as well.

J Philip Real Estate is growing