Late last year I posted my 2 Goals and 5 Resolutions for 2009. I am going to review how I did then state my 2010 goals and resolutions.
The goals were pretty simple:
- Make more money;
- Work less.
Quite frankly, I reached neither. I worked really hard in 2009, perhaps as hard as I ever worked, and for pretty much the same money. Here is the silver lining of the cloud, however: we cut expenses by almost 30%, and in the last 90 days I have become far better at entrusting things to my agents that I used to be a control freak about. Many of these things were done better than I would have done them, because I didn’t have the time or inclination.
This was actually the best lesson I learned in 2009 going forward: empower my people if I want to build my company. I can’t do everything myself, and I need to be better at team building to be truly successful. Thanks to Elayna Fernandez for getting me to reflect on this lesson. I will use it well in 2010.
On to my 5 resolutions:
- Take one day off per week no matter what. F. I failed miserably. I took more days off, but that’s not saying much.
- Create specific goals. C-. Too much working in my business and not enough working on my business.
- Plan my work. D. See #2
- Blog more. A+. Over 330 blog postings in various places changed how I do business. My blog got me found by some news producers who put my clients on CNBC 4 times, and landed me on ABC World News, AP, and other print media. This was enormous in helping with credibility, recruiting and sales. Magical and unpredictable.
- Laugh more. B.
- Double my income.
- Have 25 licensees with the company by Thanksgiving 2010.
- Make Magic Occur Regularly.
- Blog as consistently in 2010 as I did in 2009, and get better at it.
- Create a Cyber Empire. I have some ideas for pursuing niches that I will implement the first quarter of 2010 with new and better web marketing.
- Stand on the shoulders of the best lesson of 2009 and empower my growing team more as a coach and mentor and less like a guy who does everything himself and gets burned out in the process.
- Plan and set goals more consistently and systematically. I am going to focus more on listing more properties and giving more buyers to the team to service. I can adhere to this if I empower the team with things I am inclined to handle myself, but ought not, like buyers.
- Appreciate and support Ann more in 2010. This is more rooted in attitude and consciousness than just doing things differently. Simply put, It shouldn’t be about me laughing more. I want Ann to laugh more.