Active Rain November 22, 2009

Westchester Magazine: 52 Reasons to Love Westchester

We often give clients a subscription to Westchester Magazine after they close on their home. The publication comes out monthly and does a good job of selling the county (and a great job of selling cosmetic surgery).

52 Reasons to Love Westchester is this month’s cover story, and here are a few of my favorites. My yapping is in italics:

4. Because we’re not New Jersey or Long Island. Many a  truth was spoken in jest.

7. Because Carvel started here. Yum, right on Central Avenue!

40. Because the Drapers live here. Boy Howdy!

There are plenty of good ones in the other 49, but I don’t want to give them away. Suffice to say that there is far more to Westchester than subdivisions, good schools and plastic surgeons.

I spent 15 years finding my way in life after leaving for college. I lived in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Boston, Maryland, New Jersey, Texas and Rochester. When it came down to choosing where I wanted to live out my years I came home.