Active Rain November 17, 2009

Yet Another Thing for Sellers to Watch Out For

It was a bizarre phone call this afternoon. The lady on the phone swore that her home had just come off the market with another broker, but I couldn’t find it on the MLS. I changed statuses, spellings of the address (1st? First?), and anything else I could think of. Nothing. The home is in Yonkers, so I asked if it could be on a corner and have another address. Nope, middle of the block. 

I asked who the broker was, and she didn’t know. Her brother and co-owner was handling that. Then, she finally gave me the clue I needed. The broker was in Queens. After a quick check, I had my answer.

The broker listed her Yonkers home on the Long Island MLS. Yonkers is not in the Long Island area. It belongs on the Westchester-Putnam MLS. 

No wonder there were no calls. No wonder there were no showings. The house was, for all intents and purposes, not listed, at least not on the local market. It might as well have been on the California MLS.

So, if you are selling your home, I guess you need to add to track record, references and other advisable queries, if the agent will actually put the property on the correct MLS. Not that you want the local brokers and buyers to be aware of it. I mean, if you did that, it might actually sell.

Oh, and here’s another little detail. The house doesn’t expire on the Long Island MLS until August, 2010!
