I can’t speak for every agent, but if I were your broker and I advised you to lower your price it is because you need to reduce your price. Most of my clients see the light; I’ve given them the market data as well as our showing and feedback logs. Some sellers don’t get it, and they are the ones who eventually go stale. What is sad is that a stale listing sells for less than it would have if the seller took my advice because the public sees the days on market and assumes there is something wrong with the place. I get 2 main answers from sellers who won’t reduce. One is a rationalization, another is a lame alternative. Both ideas will kill the sale.
- “People can make an offer.” This is an irrational thought costumed as a rationality. If you’ve been for sale for 90 days and had two showings, this is absurd. People don’t make offers on a home they won’t bother to see. If you’ve been for sale for 6 months and had 50 showings, what makes you think the 51st will be different? Buyers will not make an offer (or, in some cases, even see) a property that strikes them as overpriced. Moreover, the only people that will make an offer on an overpriced home are the type who would offer less than a fair-minded person who can’t reconcile price and property.
- “I’ll pay a bonus to the selling agent” or “I’ll help with closing costs.” This is offered instead of simply reducing the price. Look, if you are going to throw more money into the deal, take it off the price where everyone can see it! This is an invisible benefit. People that need help with closing costs will ask for it even if it isn’t offered. Worse, you still have a price point problem.