Active Rain April 12, 2009

Is Lilly Tomlin running Tech Support at Active Rain?

My blog is askew. The header is cut off, posts are center justified, and my sidebar is buried somewhere. I don’t exactly dither in exotic code- I do a postlet for new listings and I’ve embedded 2-3 videos.

Since 4/8 I have had a trouble ticket opened with tech support and the answer is essentially “you have bad code in a post somewhere.”

I have spent a chunk of my Easter removing posts to isolate the offending post to no avail. With tens of thousands of bloggers, it seems to me that my problem is not new or particularly difficult for someone in the know.

I have two questions:

  1. How the heck do I fix this
  2. For $19 a month isn’t a week with no solution a little weak?
